Dance Through The Pain
Life happens and no one is exempt to the trials, the challenges, the betrayal, the rejection, the hurt and the pain. It’s all part of the journey of life. But it is down to us whether we allow it to tear us down or build us up! Will we choose to grow through it or die in it?
Recently I have experienced a lot of changes in my life and I have come to the conclusion that these changes are neither good or bad. Our perspective of change determines our progression in this journey we call life.
As I write, I just failed my practical driving test for the sixth time and what hurt the most is that this time there was no shadow of doubt that I would not pass! Everything pointed in the direction of success! I even wore all black to the test, had my praise break, had midnight prayer and praises throughout the test! Passing was inevitable!
But this was my worst test ever with three majors- the test was already over before it began! It was an utter mess!
So how could this situation (change) be possibly seen in a positive light? I felt so defeated and the thought that passing was impossible crossed my mind as the examiner gave me my feedback. As I got home, switched off my phone and got into bed ready to throw the biggest pity party ever I decided to listen to worship songs. I played ‘Heroes’ by Amanda Cook but this particular spontaneous version was covered by Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger with Amanda (these two yeah- I can’t even get into how much being led by them in worship has taught me about liberation and child-likeness in the Presence Of our Father but that’s a story for another day- don’t worry I talk about them all the time ❤️). The line of the song that really stuck out to me was ‘You’ve taught my feet to dance upon disappointment’ and Holy Spirit was like to me- ‘I want you to dance upon your disappointment! Princess dance with Me through the pain!’
At first I was really reluctant but then I decided nothing can make me withhold Worship to my Daddy and my King! He’s too good for any situation to change that! I also remembered that true, authentic worship is given when your situation looks like a contradiction to God’s Promises in your life but in spite of this we are making the choice to look away from our physical reality. We are making the choice to magnify Him- His goodness, His Love, His grace, His mercy, His kindness and everything He is over everything else! So I made the decision and danced through the pain with my Daddy and He restores my soul and birthed beauty from ashes.
The way I’ve handled change in general hasn’t always been like this, some changes I am still dealing with. I’m in a process of coming into agreement with God concerning certain situations but I’ve decided to let these changes enable me to grow into the woman I was always destined to be.
Everything in this life starts with a decision and yes a lot of them are hard, uncomfortable and simply go against everything our flesh desires to do! But it’s worth making the right one as the wrong one can cost us our destinies!
Change is inevitable and it’s essential for growth. So it’s up to us whether we continue to see through the eyes of pain and stunt our growth or see through the eyes of our Heavenly Father who births purpose from our pain...